Graves Locked N Loaded Benelli Benelli is the offspring of Bentley Herb Zamora & Graves Hot Cocoa at the Melton. She is the sweetest girl like her grandma (Graves locked N Loaded 45). She is old large lines and English lines. Click here to get Graves Locked N Loaded Benelli – pedigree! Centronuclear Myopathy Clear…

Graves LiL Diva Diva is the offspring of Graves Gunning Bullwinkle & Graves Dakota Dreaming Summit. These are nice older and bigger lines! Graves Lil Diva – pedigree! Centronuclear Myopathy Clear Exercise-Induced Collapse Clear Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis Clear Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Progressive Rod-Cone …

Graves Lil Bit of Sugar Sugar is the offspring of Graves Daisy Mountain Odin (Odie) & Graves Daisy Mountain Honey. Both of her parents are retired and I am excited to say she is a reflection of them both. Graves Lil Bit of Sugar – pedigree! Centronuclear Myopathy Clear Exercise-Induced Collapse …

Graves Autumn Blaze Maple at the Meltons Maple is the offspring of Bayou Bend’s Beau at the Meltons & Graves Reign of Fire. This girl has amazing drive and passes it to most of her puppies. She has an amazing demeanor. Graves Autumn Blaze Maple at the Meltons – pedigree! Centronuclear Myopathy Clear Exercise-Induced Collapse…

Wise Acres Coco Calypso Coco was acquired from Wise Acres Labradors. We are excited to see how she fits into our program. She has the show English body style and has a very sweet demeanor. Wise Acres Coco Calypso – pedigree! Centronuclear Myopathy Clear Exercise-Induced Collapse Clear Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis …

WISE ACRES CLEVER CALLIOPE We acquired Cali from Wise Acres Labradors. We are excited to see how she fits into our program. She is a lean 77lbs and loves to retrieve. Wise Acres Clever Calliope – pedigree! Centronuclear Myopathy Clear Exercise-Induced Collapse Clear Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis Clear…