Graves LiL Diva Diva is the offspring of Graves Gunning Bullwinkle & Graves Dakota Dreaming Summit. These are nice older and bigger lines! Graves Lil Diva – pedigree! Centronuclear Myopathy Clear Exercise-Induced Collapse Clear Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis Clear Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Progressive Rod-Cone …

Graves Lil Bit of Sugar Sugar is the offspring of Graves Daisy Mountain Odin (Odie) & Graves Daisy Mountain Honey. Both of her parents are retired and I am excited to say she is a reflection of them both. Graves Lil Bit of Sugar – pedigree! Centronuclear Myopathy Clear Exercise-Induced Collapse …

Graves Image of Beauty Image is the offspring of CH Ellen House Fabulous Wealth (Cash) & Graves Image to Showtime. She is very sweet and has a great balance of drive & easy going. She loves everyone and especially children. Spayed, DOB 03/18/2020. Adoption fee applies. Click here to see Graves Image of Beauty – pedigree! Centronuclear Myopathy …

Graves Autumn Blaze Maple at the Meltons Maple is the offspring of Bayou Bend’s Beau at the Meltons & Graves Reign of Fire. This girl has amazing drive and passes it to most of her puppies. She has an amazing demeanor. Graves Autumn Blaze Maple at the Meltons – pedigree! Centronuclear Myopathy Clear Exercise-Induced Collapse…

Pawlina was born on 05/12/2021. She is up for adoption and loves everybody. She is very sweet to other puppies. Her adoption fee is only $2200. Her parents are Armani & Country Girl. Call us at 623-810-9765 to schedule your visit to meet her.

Good news about Karnik born 6/22/2022 Sits Waits ( for food and out of the car) Down Stay Loose leash walking Kennel trained Good house manners Potty trained. He just needs more work outside of the house. Needs to be socialized more for a park, on a walk and in stores. He’s getting better but will need ongoing training for…

GRAVES PRINCESS HOLLY Holly was born 03/20/2022 & her parents are Ready (Ukraine) & Dolly (Sissy & Bullwinkle daughter). She is very sweet and loving. She just loves to chase the ball, play in water and cuddle. We kept 2 puppies from this litter and decided to keep her sister Cass. We will miss Holly but she will be spoiled…

Graves Fendi at the Gala Fendi was born 06/22/2022 by Nine (Graves Dressed to the Nines) & Beau (Bayou Bend’s Beau at the Meltons). Fendi was one of our pick of litter. She would make a great hunter, pet, or can be a breeding prospect. Contact us for more information at 623-810-9765.

SOLD! \Simba is a medium-sized English Labrador male that is 5 years of age, born on 4-12-2019. Steady and friendly temperament with a willingness to please. Simba is obedience trained and has Passed the CGC, CGCA and CGCU testing and started onto service dog training. He is able to retrieve dropped items or items in specific locations such as cellular…

Wise Acres Coco Calypso Coco was acquired from Wise Acres Labradors. We are excited to see how she fits into our program. She has the show English body style and has a very sweet demeanor. Wise Acres Coco Calypso – pedigree! Centronuclear Myopathy Clear Exercise-Induced Collapse Clear Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis …