About exercise-induced collapse (EIC) A syndrome of exercise intolerance and exercise induced collapse (EIC) is being observed with increasing frequency in young adult Labrador retrievers. It has also been observed in Chesapeake Bay retrievers and curly-coated retrievers. Affected dogs have been found in field-trial, hunt test, conformation, pet, and service lines. Black, yellow, and chocolate Labradors of both sexes are…

Disease Description Centronuclear Myopathy (CNM), formerly called Labrador Muscular Myopathy or Hereditary Myopathy of the Labrador Retriever (HMLR) as well as many other names, segregates in Labrador Retrievers. The disease was first observed in the 1970’s. By the 1990’s, the incidence had increased significantly. This increase is globally due to famous successful Labradors who are carriers being used extensively for…

When you pick up your puppy at 8 weeks, he/she will have had its first puppy shot (parvovirus vaccine). It does not have a full level of immunity at this stage so try to minimize his exposure to strange dogs and places they’ve been. She/he will still need four to five more puppy shots, normally at 3-4 week intervals, and…

Retriever (Labrador) THE BACKGROUND BREEDING of the Labrador Retriever may never be established, but it is safe to assume that the breed’s ancestors were taken to Newfoundland by explorers, fishermen, and settlers from England, Europe, and Norway. Thus the dogs, which subsequently were thought to be native to Labrador and Newfoundland, were in all probability the descendants of dogs left…

NuVet Plus Vitamin’s “Due to the varying kinds of food and different environmental conditions the puppies come in contact with; and the fact that all puppies have immune systems that take time to mature, the terms of this guarantee will not be honored unless they are given NuVet Plus® immune system builder, as directed by the manufacturer, for the entire…